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Digital Nomad Visa

Sri Lanka

At a glance


9 months


14 month(s) delay



Tax rate



Sri Lanka has unveiled plans for a digital nomad visa program; however, it hasn't launched yet. Nonetheless, digital nomads seeking to work remotely in Sri Lanka have the option to apply for a 30-day Sri Lanka ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization). If you wish to extend your stay beyond 30 days, Sri Lanka provides various tourist visa extension options for digital nomads, including:

  1. Extending your stay for 30 to 90 days.
  2. Extending your stay for 90 to 180 days.
  3. Extending your stay for 180 to 270 days.

Please note that the status of these visa options may have changed since my last update, so it's advisable to consult the official website of the Sri Lankan government or contact the nearest Sri Lankan embassy or consulate for the most current information on visa extensions and digital nomad visa developments.


What are the benefits?

  • Valid for 9 months

  • Tax rate is 25%

  • Is extendable

  • Diploma agnostic


With the ETA, you can stay in Sri Lanka for up to thirty days from your arrival date. If you wish to extend your stay beyond this period, you can apply for a visa extension through one of the following methods:

  1. Online via the Sri Lanka Immigration website's e-service: This option is available to citizens of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Hungary, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Estonia, Mauritius, Iceland, and Cuba.
  1. In person at the Immigration Services Center in Colombo or the Department of Immigration and Emigration in Battaramulla: This applies to citizens of all other countries.

After submitting your application for a Sri Lankan ETA/tourist visa extension, you should follow these steps:

  1. Pay the extension fees: The fees are determined by the duration of your extended stay. The cost is $100 for a 30 to 90-day extension, $150 for a 90 to 180-day extension, and $200 for a 180 to 270-day extension.
  1. Wait for approval: Typically, the application takes about 24 hours to be processed.
  1. Receive your visa extension: If you applied online, the details of your approved extension will be sent to your email address. For those who applied in person, you can obtain it at the Immigration Services Center or have it sent to you for a nominal fee.


Residents in Sri Lanka are subject to income tax on their income worldwide, whereas non-residents are only liable for taxes if their income originates from Sri Lanka.

Here are the revised income tax brackets in Sri Lankan rupees:

  • For incomes ranging from 0 to 500,000 Rs: 4%
  • For incomes between 500,000 Rs and 1,000,000 Rs: 8%
  • For incomes between 1,000,000 Rs and 1,500,000 Rs: 12%
  • For incomes between 1,500,000 Rs and 2,000,000 Rs: 16%
  • For incomes between 2,000,000 Rs and 3,000,000 Rs: 20%
  • For incomes exceeding 13,000,000 Rs: 24%

Tax rate


Who is it for?

The Sri Lankan Digital Nomad Visa is primarily aimed at individuals who are digital nomads or remote workers. It is designed for non-Sri Lankan citizens who work remotely and wish to live and work in Sri Lanka for an extended period. This visa is particularly targeted at the following groups:

  1. Digital Nomads: Individuals who have the flexibility to work from anywhere with an internet connection and choose to travel while working.
  1. Remote Workers: People who have jobs that allow them to work from a location outside their employer's physical office, often on a full-time or part-time basis.
  1. Freelancers: Self-employed professionals who offer services online and can work from various locations.
  1. Entrepreneurs: Those who run online businesses or startups and can manage their operations from Sri Lanka.
  1. Location-Independent Professionals: Individuals whose work does not require them to be tied to a specific geographical location.

The aim of the Sri Lankan Digital Nomad Visa is to attract these groups of individuals to Sri Lanka, promote tourism, stimulate the local economy, and encourage them to choose Sri Lanka as a destination for their remote work and lifestyle. It offers an opportunity for digital nomads and remote workers to experience the culture, natural beauty, and lifestyle of Sri Lanka while contributing to the local economy through their presence and spending.

What are the steps?

The one-year Sri Lanka digital nomad visa has not been launched yet. However, you can still work in Sri Lanka as a digital nomad for up to 30 days by applying for a 30-day ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) following these steps:

  1. Apply for the tourist ETA online. Ensure that you provide accurate information in all the required fields.
  1. Pay the ETA fee. The online Sri Lanka visa (ETA) costs $35 for a single or double-entry visa and $40 for a multiple-entry visa.
  1. Wait for ETA confirmation. The processing of your application typically takes less than five business days. You will receive the confirmation via email.
  1. Travel to Sri Lanka. Once you have your ETA, you can travel to Sri Lanka. This authorization will be valid for 30 days from your date of entry.

Timeline for approval

The application process can proceed smoothly when you meticulously adhere to the correct steps and assemble all the requisite documents. It's crucial to submit your application well in advance of your intended departure to account for any potential delays.

Typically, the timeline for visa approval spans up to 14 days, not counting weekends and holidays. However, during the peak tourist season, which typically falls between April and September, the Consulate may experience higher volumes of applications, potentially resulting in extended response times.

Days required


Consular services

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