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Svalbard Digital Nomad Visa


At a glance


24 months


14 month(s) delay



Tax rate



The Svalbard digital nomad visa grants foreigners permission to reside and work remotely in Norway's Svalbard region. Despite Svalbard's renowned frigid and picturesque landscapes, the allure of living there remains strong among expatriates. What enhances its appeal even further is that, unlike many other countries, the Svalbard digital nomad visa offers the unique opportunity for an indefinite stay, with no specified duration.


What are the benefits?

  • Valid for 24 months

  • Tax rate is 22%

  • Is extendable

  • Diploma agnostic


The Svalbard digital nomad visa application necessitates the submission of the following documents:

  1. A valid passport with a minimum six-month validity period.
  2. A completed digital nomad visa application form available on the UDI Norway website.
  3. Two recent passport-sized photos taken against a white background.
  4. Proof of Svalbard residence, specifying your planned accommodation in Norway. Advance housing arrangements are essential due to limited housing availability in Svalbard.
  5. University certifications, providing copies of your educational degrees.
  6. Documentation of stable income, typically a bank statement demonstrating an annual income of approximately €35,000.
  7. Valid medical insurance coverage applicable in Norway.
  8. A comprehensive CV detailing your academic background and previous job positions.


Acquiring a Svalbard digital nomad visa entails an obligation to fulfill tax responsibilities. Given that this visa can be granted for an indefinite duration, individuals spending more than 183 days in Svalbard are required to pay Norwegian taxes. This occurs because once you exceed the specified time frame, you automatically attain tax residency in Norway, and consequently, you must adhere to Norwegian tax regulations.

Tax rate


Who is it for?

Certain occupations align particularly well with freelancers who aspire to secure the Svalbard digital nomad visa, including:

  1. Programmers.
  2. Developers.
  3. Social Media Marketing Specialists.
  4. Customer Support Agents.
  5. Online Language Instructors.
  6. SEO Content Writers.

What are the steps?

To secure a Svalbard digital nomad visa, you should initiate the application process on the Norway Directorate of Immigration (UDI) website. Here's an overview of the application procedure:

  1. Commence the online application on the UDI (Norway's Directorate of Immigration) website. Register on the UDI self-service platform, where you can schedule an appointment and submit your visa application. The online application process is swift and straightforward. It entails collecting an application form and fulfilling the fee payment, among other required documents.
  1. Present the necessary documents for the digital nomad visa. You have the option to submit these documents digitally through the UDI website or through a Norwegian diplomatic mission using a courier service.
  1. Arrive in Svalbard and complete your residency registration. If your stay in Svalbard exceeds six months, you must promptly register as a resident within eight days of arrival at the Population Register of Svalbard. Additionally, you should inform the tax register of your intent to remain in Svalbard for more than six months.

Alternatively, you can apply through the nearest Norwegian embassy or consulate, provided you send your application via courier. Keep in mind that the embassy application process tends to take longer and may entail additional postage fees.

Timeline for approval

When applying for a digital nomad visa within Norwegian territory, you can expect to receive your visa approximately two weeks after submitting your application. However, if you are applying from a country outside the EU/EEA, the processing time is typically extended to around one month. This additional time is necessary to thoroughly verify the documents you've submitted before they can be deemed acceptable for the visa application. This ensures that all necessary checks and evaluations are carried out diligently to facilitate a smooth and accurate processing of your application.

Days required


Consular services

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