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Nomad Residency Permit


At a glance


12 months


14 month(s) delay



Tax rate


Living in Malta as a freelancer with a nomad visa offers a range of advantages, including:

  1. English as the primary language in Malta, facilitating communication.
  2. The flexibility to visit other Schengen countries while your digital nomad residence permit remains valid.
  3. Convenient access to Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East from Malta's central location.
  4. The island's reputation for having welcoming and friendly citizens.
  5. Scenic beauty with picturesque beaches, charming cafes, and vibrant bars to enhance your experience.
  6. A culinary delight with delectable seafood dishes to savor.
  7. Ideal beach weather in Malta, creating the perfect environment for outdoor enjoyment.
  8. Access to advanced technology, including 5G connectivity, in select areas of the island.


What are the benefits?

  • Valid for 12 months

  • Is tax-free

  • Is extendable

  • Extends to your spouse and minor children


The necessary documents for a Malta digital nomad visa application include:

  1. Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid and contain at least two blank pages. It's essential to submit copies of all passport pages, including the blank ones.
  1. Application Forms: Depending on your specific situation, you may need to fill out different forms, such as:
    • - Application form N1: Required for applying for a nomad residence permit.
    • - Application form N2: Necessary if you wish to bring a family member to Malta.
    • - Application form N4: Applicable when requesting a General Data Protection Regulation EU/2016/679 (GDPR) Declaration Form.
  1. Cover Letter: Draft a comprehensive cover letter detailing the purpose of your trip to Malta, including why you've chosen Malta for your freelance work, your intended duration of stay, and your accommodation arrangements.
  1. Work Contract: Provide evidence of stable income as a freelancer, including work contracts that outline your job position and related details.
  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV): Update your CV with your most recent job experiences and include any relevant training documents and certificates.
  1. Relationship Status Documents: If you are married or in a relationship, prepare appropriate documentation, such as a marriage certificate or evidence of a joint bank account or rental agreement.
  1. Proof of Accommodation: Furnish proof of your place of residence in Malta, such as a valid rental agreement.
  1. Bank Statement: Present your bank statements from the past six months to demonstrate your financial stability and ability to support yourself during your stay in Malta.
  1. Health Insurance for Digital Nomads: Ensure your health insurance is valid at the time of your Malta Nomad visa application.
  1. Health Declaration: Submit medical documents affirming your good health condition.

These documents are crucial for your Malta digital nomad visa application and should be provided as required.


Under the digital nomad visa, tax obligations in Malta are not applicable as long as your income is not sourced from Malta. Furthermore, if you maintain tax residency in your home country, you are exempt from Maltese taxation even if your stay in Malta exceeds 183 days annually.

Tax rate


Who is it for?

You are eligible to apply for a Nomad visa if you meet the following criteria:

  1. You hold citizenship in a third country.
  2. Your monthly income is a minimum of €2,700.
  3. You are either a partner in a company registered outside of Malta, an employee with a contract from a foreign company outside of Malta, or a consultant providing freelance or consulting services to individuals or entities outside of Malta, with whom you have a contractual agreement.

What are the steps?

Here is the step-by-step process for applying for a nomad visa in Malta:

  1. Collect and Submit Required Documents:
    • - Ensure you gather and submit all the necessary documents for your application. Missing documents are a common reason for application rejections, so it's crucial to avoid any omissions.
  1. Submit the Application Online:
    • - Submit your application online through the Residency Malta Agency via email at nomad.residencymalta@gov.mt. Following submission, await a response from the agency. If you receive a positive response, the agency will provide further instructions for your application process in Malta.
  1. Travel to Malta and Collect Your Nomad Residence Permit:
    • - Upon your arrival in Malta, if you plan to stay for longer than six months, you can apply for a Nomad Residence Permit. You must complete this application in person at Identity Malta.

Additional Documents Required for a Nomad Residence Permit:

  • - A valid passport.
  • - Valid health insurance.
  • - Proof of accommodation.
  • - Documentation confirming the successful completion of a background verification check.
  1. Nomad Residence Permit Duration:
    • - A Nomad Residence Permit initially grants you the right to stay in Malta for one year. Depending on whether you continue to meet the eligibility criteria, this permit can be extended for up to three years.

Following these steps will guide you through the application process for a nomad visa in Malta, ensuring a smooth and successful application experience.

Timeline for approval

The application process can proceed smoothly when you meticulously adhere to the correct steps and assemble all the requisite documents. It's crucial to submit your application well in advance of your intended departure to account for any potential delays.

Typically, the timeline for visa approval spans up to 14 days, not counting weekends and holidays. However, during the peak tourist season, which typically falls between April and September, the Consulate may experience higher volumes of applications, potentially resulting in extended response times.

Days required


Consular services

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